Are you entitled or are you empowered?
Empowered people don’t make excuses. They make decisions and commitments, and they get things done. Entitled people blame others and make excuses BEWARE OF AN ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY “You think the world owes you something?” One of my dad’s pearls of wisdom when I was young. I had said something that made him think that I was entitled to something or that the world owed me something. I was in my teens, and I cannot remember what I said, or what I did, but I had clearly struck a very passionate nerve with my dad. “The world doesn’t owe you anything.” “Calm down, Dad.” I remember thinking, my Dad’s words made a lasting impact on me and on my view of life. “If you are going to make something of yourself,” he continued, in this same intense way, “you are going to go out there and make it happen. The world doesn’t owe you anything!” Well, guess what? Despite popular opinion, the world doesn’t owe any of us anything. Let’s harness an empowerment mentality not an entitlement mentality. Empowered people create their own circumstances. Entitled people feel they are victims of their circumstance. Empowered people live on their work and production. Entitled people expect something without the work, blame others and make excuses. Are you entitled or are you empowered? Empowered people don’t make excuses. They make decisions and commitments, and they get things done. Entitled people blame others and make excuses Get my free eBook on Developing Clarity - Get Comfortable being Uncomfortable I was only four or five inches under the surface, but I was breathing under water in the ocean outside of Saint John. I had signed up for a snorkeling experience that takes guests in the ocean, even if they have never gone snorkeling before. The truth is, I am a C6 quadriplegic. I am an average swimmer, so putting my face in the water while being told to keep breathing, makes me a bit anxious. I was not afraid of the water but this was the first time in an ocean and I still wasn’t comfortable with that. Now here I with big waves around me while swimming on my back. What was adding to my stress a bit was that the other five people in my group were all beginners. If they had a meltdown, I wasn’t going be very much help to them. I also figured that if I had a meltdown, they were not going to be much help to me, either. “Okay,” I thought, “my whole body is being swepped closer to the cruse ship by the waves. No matter how hard I swam I did not move further from the ship. I have taken a couple of breaths. I have seen a couple of fish. I think I can get out now and tell everyone that I did it.” My next thought was, “You tell people all of the time to get out of their comfort zone, and now you are going to wimp out when you have to get out of your own comfort zone?” My anxiety was high. People like what they are good at, and I wasn’t a great swimmer and could only use my arms to swim. Well, you can probably guess the end of my story. I had an absolute blast. Snorkeling in the ocean was incredible. Endure Today to Enjoy Tomorrow had a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The passion and energy of life exists outside our comfort zones. What can you try next in your life that will get you outside your comfort zone? Make a pattern of getting outside your comfort zone. What restaurant can you try? What cultural experience would you like to try? What life experience have you only thought about? What new skill could you learn? All of these things will take you through a learning curve which will make you uncomfortable. Embrace the lack of comfort. Learn from it. Know that the feeling of discomfort will not last. Once your comfort zone expands, it never goes back to the same size. NEVER QUIT ON A BAD DAY We all have bad days. If you haven’t had one yet, you will. When you have a bad day, you will want to quit, to give in, and to give up. Bad days make you begin to question everything. You will ask yourself questions like these: “Why am I doing this? Is this worth it? Am I wasting my time? What is my purpose in life? Is this it?” These and many more questions will cross your mind as you go through your hard days. The voice of my dad is ringing out ‘’bad days builds character’’ Guess what, these questions are not bad. In fact, questions like this can help to guide you to clear answers in your life. However, do not make life-changing decisions on your bad days. Make life-changing decisions with a clear mind, a thoughtful process and with good counsel. Sometimes moving on to the next thing is the right thing to do. However, never quit your job on a bad day. Never quit your relationship on a bad day. Never quit on your goals on a bad day. In addition, please, do not ever quit your life on a bad day! Instead, focus on stringing wins together. Go from positive experience to positive experience. Go from win to win. As Martin Luther King, Jr. once observed, “It is always darkest before dawn!” Regardless of how dark it is right now, the sun will be coming up soon. There’s hope, so never quit on a bad day. To conclude, for years, I had been wondering if I could really design and create an extraordinary life. You may also be asking whether it is possible in your own life. I can now share with you from my own experience that it is possible! I am Brian P Swift J.D. Coach, Speaker, Business & Personal Strategist My goal is to empower, inspire and transform you to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. Please check out my inspiring blog about Leadership - social media - Grit - Life Tips. You can also enjoy me AKA The Quadfather on Instagram and subscribe to my You Tube channel the Quadfather get fit while you sit. My superpower is driving human performance by inspiring transformation of people’s mindset. I use it to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. #coach #leadership #entrepreneur #growth #thequadfather #inspire #disabilities #speaking #comfort zone #writers #grit #mindset #transformation #ENDURE
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Brian SwiftBrian P Swift JD aka The Quadfather is a John Maxwell personal development coach, speaker, Best-Selling Author & Radio Personality. Brian lives life with no excuses he was born able bodied, and at the age of 17 a tragic football accident left him learning how to live life fully from a wheelchair as a quadriplegic. |