Cut the junk, and focus on what matters.
In a world obsessed with multitasking and endless to-do lists, it’s easy to feel pulled in every direction, striving to do more but accomplishing less. Productivity has become a buzzword, yet many of us feel stuck, scattered, and unfulfilled. When I read The One Thing by Gary Keller in 2016, it felt like dropping a 10-kilogram bag of rice I’d been carrying around for years. This book cuts through the noise and provides an effective approach to creating results. The premise is simple: success isn’t about doing everything. It’s about doing the right thing. Here are some of the best things I learned from Keller’s insights on focus and productivity: 1. The Focusing Question The centrepiece of the book is the ‘focusing question’: “What’s the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” I ask this question all the time for specific situations and challenges. The question helps you cut through distractions and identify the highest-impact action you should take. Regularly ask yourself the focusing question for any life area to direct your energy toward what matters most. 2. Success Is Sequential, Not Simultaneous Keller argues that success doesn’t come from doing everything at once but from building momentum by mastering one thing at a time. I like his take. Focus on achieving small wins in a specific order. Tackle one priority, then move to the next so that progress compounds over time. 3. Prioritise with the 80/20 Rule The Pareto Principle states that 80% of results come from 20% of your actions. The key to productivity is identifying and focusing on the 20% that truly matters. Audit your to-do list and focus on the tasks with the biggest impact while letting go of less critical activities. This is a continual practice. 4. Multitasking Doesn’t Work Multitasking divides your attention, reduces the quality of your work, and turns you into a frazzled chicken. True focus requires doing one thing at a time. Create blocks of uninterrupted time to focus on your most important task and minimise distractions. 5. The Domino Effect Small, focused actions create a domino effect, leading to massive outcomes over time. You may not see the impact now, but you will later. Start with the smallest, most manageable task contributing to your bigger goal. Identify your first ‘domino’ and commit to toppling it. Consistency in small actions leads to extraordinary results. 6. Time Blocking Time blocking is the practice of dedicating specific hours of your day to work on your most important task. Schedule uninterrupted time for your ONE Thing each day, treating it like an appointment you cannot miss. 7. Protect Your Time Distractions and interruptions are productivity killers best left for normies. Keller emphasises creating boundaries to protect your focus time. Set clear rules about when and how you can be interrupted. Use tools like ‘Do Not Disturb mode and communicate your focus times to others for that extra accountability. 8. Willpower Is Finite Willpower is like a muscle. It weakens with use throughout the day. The key is to tackle your most important task when your willpower is strongest earlier in the day. Do your ONE Thing first thing in the morning when your energy and discipline peak. 9. Purpose Drives Productivity Staying focused becomes far easier when your daily actions align with a bigger purpose. Clarity about your goals fuels motivation and direction. Reflect on your long-term goals and use them to guide your priorities. Ask yourself how today’s ONE Thing contributes to your purpose. 10. The Myth of a Balanced Life Balance may not be the ideal approach, depending on what phase you’re in. Keller argues that achieving balance across all areas of life is unrealistic. Instead, success requires embracing imbalance by giving disproportionate focus to your most important area. Accept that achieving extraordinary results requires temporarily neglecting less critical areas to concentrate on your priority. Don’t guilt yourself for this. It’s part of the process. 11. Say No to Everything That Doesn’t Matter Every time you say yes to something, you’re saying no to something else. This blew my mind. The ability to say no to distractions is crucial for focusing on your ONE Thing. Learn to say no gracefully and unapologetically to protect your time and energy. 12. Environment Shapes Productivity Your surroundings significantly impact your ability to focus. A cluttered workspace or distracting environment can derail progress. Optimise your physical and digital environment for focus by removing distractions and organising tools to support your ONE Thing. 13. Think Big, Act Small The authors stress that achieving extraordinary success requires thinking big but starting small. I love this. It’s about aligning daily actions with your long-term vision but making that vision big and interesting. Set ambitious goals, but break them down into small, actionable steps you can tackle each day. You got this.
Like it or not, sales is the most important part of every startup. Are you putting in the effort to get good at it? I was chatting with a friend who also happens to be one of the most thoughtful sales leaders I know. During our conversation, he shared a counterintuitive strategy that helped him and his team increase appointment and close rates. He was contemplating hiring SDRs — Sales Development Representatives, the people who qualify customers early in a SaaS sales process — he never trained them on the product. That’s right. The SDRs on his team — the first people potential customers would speak with — had no idea what the company’s product actually did. At first, this sounds insane. After all, how can you sell something if you don’t even know what it is? But my friend had a good reason: Whenever SDRs were trained on the product, they couldn’t help but talk about it. They’d dive into features, capabilities, and specifications, trying to “sell” the product itself. And the moment they started talking about the product, things went south. Potential customers would hear the pitch, make assumptions — often wrong ones — about what the product could or couldn’t do, and mentally un-sell themselves. In other words, by having knowledge of the product, his SDRs lost sight of what really matters in sales: the customer. Instead of asking about the customers’ needs, goals, and problems, the SDRs were busy discussing a product prospective customers didn’t yet care about. As I listened to my friend, I couldn’t help but feel ashamed. In that moment, I realized I’d been guilty of the exact same mistake — only worse. Example; The Product Obsession That Made Me Suck at Sales When I was building my startup and I was also the technical cofounder, meaning I personally wrote every line of code that powered our platform. I built it from scratch, and I knew it inside and out. The codebase was like my baby, and that pride and love, unfortunately, was my downfall. As the person who built the product, I couldn’t stop talking about it. I’d walk into sales meetings and immediately start pitching what I’d built. I’d tell potential customers how efficient our architecture was, how many features we’d built, and how cool and powerful the platform was. It wasn’t an effective sales strategy. Even worse, I never understood why. All I could think was, “How can these people not see how cool my product is?” In hindsight, my shortcomings are painfully obvious. My obsession with the product and its features blinded me to the people I was supposed to be serving. I was so busy showing off what I’d built that I forgot to ask whether anyone even needed it. I’m an extreme example of a founder focused on what he’s building rather than his customers, but I’m definitely not the only one who’s made the mistake. Indeed, most entrepreneurs — whether they directly constructed their products or not — are obsessed with what they’re building instead of the people they’re building for. Why Talking About Your Product Is a Mistake Entrepreneurs love their products. We can’t help it. After all, we poured time, energy, and creativity into building something we’re proud of, and we want the world to see how amazing it is. The problem with this obsession is that customers don’t care about products. At least, not when they first encounter them. As a result, when you sit down with potential customers and immediately start talking about features, you’re asking those would-be customers to do too much mental work. You’re asking them to figure out how your product fits into their lives or solves their problems despite not really understanding what the product does or, in most cases, the extent of their own challenges. And if they don’t immediately see the connection, they’ll tune out. Worse, they might start imagining reasons why your product won’t work for them. This phenomenon is why my salesperson friend learned to keep his SDRs in the dark about the product they were selling. When his SDRs didn’t know what the product did, they couldn’t talk about it. And when they couldn’t talk about it, they were forced to focus on the customers — on learning about their processes, their pain points, and their goals. That’s the real work of sales. It’s not about pitching your product. It’s about understanding your customers so well that you can show them why they need your product in the first place. The Mindset Shift Entrepreneurs Need to Make If you want to stop sucking at sales, you need to adopt the same mentality as my friendl; You need to stop thinking like a product builder and start thinking like a problem solver. Begin by asking questions. Lots of them. What does the customer’s current process look like? What problems are they facing? How much is that problem costing them? What would success look like for them? Sales is about listening more than talking. It’s about gathering information and then connecting the dots for whichever customers you’re talking with. Once you understand their needs, you can position your product as the solution to their problems. But until you’ve done that, talking about your product is just noise. This mindset shift is hard for entrepreneurs — especially for founders who are also product builders — because we’re too close to what we’ve built. We see our product as a work of art, a reflection of our skills and ingenuity. But to a customer, it’s just a tool. The elegance of the code and the number of features it has doesn’t matter. If the customers don’t see how your product solves their problem, they’re not going to buy it. If you’re an entrepreneur struggling to sell, you need to learn to get over yourself. Stop obsessing over the product you’ve built and start obsessing over your customers. Sales isn’t about you. And it’s also not about your product, your features, or your architecture. It’s about the customers — what they need, what they’re struggling with, and how you can help them. The best salespeople know this instinctively. They don’t sell products; they sell solutions. And if you can make that shift — if you can stop talking and start listening — you’ll stop sucking at sales. I accept myself with all of my limitations. I do the best I can with what I’ve got and I know that recovery is not only making progress, it is one step. Making progress is simple, but not easy. It requires commitment and a single-minded sustained determination to overcome obstacles and improve. Doing anything to try to make a change is positive. The simple act of making a steady effort is making progress. I have learned that this has got to be enough for me, on a daily basis. Every morning, I get a new opportunity to be better than I was yesterday. I put a lot of small accomplishments together and find that I’ve realized a huge goal. My ability to reintegrate into the mainstream is a product of many small accomplishments tied together in a neat bundle. I work very hard every day, to live as well as I can. At the beginning of my talk I asked, “Does Anyone Live Free from Suffering and Loss? I know that I don’t. My life has taught me that I was not singled out for the terrible misfortunes that I’ve experienced. That insight alone doesn’t eliminate of minimize my problems. Instead, it reduces the suffering that comes from struggling with the unfortunate facts of my life. I wish things were different, but they are not. All I can do is the best that I can and allow myself to enjoy and be proud of the progress I make on a daily basis. This is also all I can expect of others. Never doubt that you are VALUABLE & POWERFUL deserving Of every chance and opportunity in the world to persue and achieve your own dream REMEMBER to always walk with your head held high because you are never alone in this I am always there with you Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feet it faith, Feed it LOVE, Feed it inspiration. I fundamentally believe that the power within us is greater than any circumstance or any condition we are currently facing – no matter how long that circumstance has been there and how difficult it’s been – and that anyone can live a life they love. I know what kind of system most effectively moves a person from the life they’re living now to the results they want to have. I find joy in using my gifts to help people create the lives of their dreams. I help you see the answers you already have inside of you and find the courage to pursue those answers, even when you want to give up because of their circumstances. You can get Better or you can get Bitter. It is not about fait the choice is yours. You take the hand life dealt you and let it tear you down or you use it to make you a stronger and better person. We always think of those successful people and wish we had it like that, probably giving ourselves excuses for why we haven't made it like them But there's no reason why that couldn't be you! The reason they are there is because they went for it, they made the sacrifice, put in the time and really put the effort in . Stop limiting yourself and really put your heart, body and mind into something 100% . I promise you'll surprise yourself The life you want is out there! You just have to go get it!! Being a quadriplegic I'm often overlooked in what I can do. But hopefully over the years or through my actions & books I've hopefully shown you it's not my situation that limits me but what I limit myself by and hopefully you can see that's not that much! On paper, statistically when I got injured stated a quadriplegic who's permanently in a wheelchair wanting to live a fairly normal life married, kids, job, traveling, etc a lot people would say it's not possible. But life's not about doing what's easy it's about doing what you want! Yes it took a lot of dedication, commitment, sacrifice and planning but It ended up accomplishing so much. Remember your only limit is you. Following my paralysis I felt uncomfortable in my own skin but I would not let anyone know it, I was still adjusting to my reflection in the mirror as I added 4 wheels to the picture. However, here I am four decades later and I have realized that I have more confidence following my paralysis than I ever did before. It comes from knowing the defeats, it comes from knowing the depths and knowing that I survived them. In many ways my wheelchair is the very thing that helped me find my confidence - it forced me to be okay with standing out, it brought me back to the bottom line which allowed me to find the confidence that comes with strength and it forced me to realize that sometimes the very things that set us apart are what make us the most beautiful. It is that very confidence that has allowed me to fully love myself so I can truly love another. Confidence is the intangible that makes us shine, it is the very thing that gives us the strength to overcome, the courage to dream and the heart to show empathy. Confidence is not only beauty, it is heart, it is courage, it is strength and it is what sets us free. Get my free booklet on Building Confidence and Strong Please look out for part 2 Please check out my inspiring blog about Leadership - social media - Grit - Life Tips. You can also enjoy me AKA The Quadfather on Instagram and subscribe to my You Tube channel the Quadfather get fit while you sit. My superpower is driving human performance by inspiring transformation of people’s mindset. I use it to create confident, happy purposeful individuals #coach #leadership #entrepreneur #growth #thequadfather #inspire #disabilities #speaking #exerrcise #writers #sales #mindset #transformation Effective sales leadership requires more than just managing a team; it demands visionary leadership that inspires, sets clear expectations and standards, and fosters a culture that allows failure for the sake of exponential growth.
The 6 Fatal Flaws of Sales Leadership serve as cautionary tales for smart leaders. These pitfalls demoralize sales teams, significantly hinder performance, and lead to burnout and lackluster results. Transformation won't happen in your business without facing and embracing the truth. Understanding these fatal flaws is the first step toward rectification and building a winning sales culture.
One More - Not Having Sales & Marketing Working Hand-in-Hand Fatal Flaw #1: Mistaking Management for Leadership Managing rather than leading is like steering a ship with a meticulous log of its speeds and stops but no compass for direction. Sales teams thrive under leadership that illuminates a path with a compelling vision, not just a checklist of tasks. Leaders establish the culture and are ultimately responsible for the success - or failure - of the organization. They often listen more than they speak. The most talented leaders see the gifts in others and grow the members of their teams. Fatal Flaw #2: Lacking a Vision that Inspires Lack of a compelling, inspiring vision is like setting sail without a destination; your team might row hard but without direction. For salespeople to sell effectively, they need more than knowledge of the product; they need to believe in its value. Crafting and communicating a compelling vision about your product, service, and company's impact on customers' lives ignites this belief. The result? A team of believers - and achievers. Proverbs 29:18 says, "Without vision, the people perish." Salespeople must have the essential belief in themselves and the product or service they're selling, and they need to be inspired and believe your solution transforms the lives of your customers. Belief in your solution is the #1 determinant of a salesperson's success. Fatal Flaw #3: Failing to Set Clear Expectations Your people will live up or down to the standards you set. If your salespeople are failing, it's the leader's fault. (A great leadership book on this subject is Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink.) One of the most common mistakes I see managers and leaders make is not setting clear expectations and high standards. Setting clear expectations and high standards may require some extra work in the beginning—some solid strategic thinking and planning—and some difficult conversations. The initial effort and willingness to communicate always pay off in the end. It's crucial to outline what to do (and what NOT to do) within a structured process, allowing for personal flair but within strategic boundaries. Clear expectations focus efforts on fruitful paths, and standards determine how people show up and operate within your company. Fatal Flaw #4: Creating a Culture of Fear Creating an environment where it's not "safe to fail" destroys morale and greatly impacts the bottom line. It's like clipping the wings of your sales team before they even take flight. When every mistake is met with reprimand rather than constructive feedback, it fosters a culture of fear where creativity is stifled and communication is compromised. Sales meetings should be collaborative forums for open dialogue, not soapbox monologues of intimidation. I can't emphasize this point enough. Create a culture where it's safe to fail within a proven process, and you'll uncover your salespeople's true potential. A word about failure: many struggle with the word "failure" and would rather say "learning experience." I say, "failure" because it helps us understand and be honest with ourselves about where our actions were off—and no transformation can occur without the truth. If it makes helps, you can use the phrase "micro failure." Failure is simply part of the process along the way to meaningful growth. Fatal Flaw #5: Ignoring the Need for a Proven Sales Process. The Lack of a proven sales process leaves salespeople to make it up as they go along. Sales leaders who attempt to run a team without a proven process in place are asking their staff to navigate a complicated labyrinth without a map. A clear, step-by-step, proven process - with room for detours and corrections - focuses efforts, improves efficiency, and clarifies actions. Without this structure, the sales journey becomes a confusing trek rather than a targeted mission. I've talked with thousands of founders and CEOs who are frustrated by their salespeople's lack of results but haven't given them a proven sales process to follow. Truth be told, most businesses don't have a proven sales process in place that works hand-in-hand with the selling system. Sales processes are what you do and the selling system is how you execute on each step of the sales process. Fatal Flaw #6: Neglecting Effective Customized Training and Role-Playing Many companies will invest in short sales training or have a generic training coach work with their sales team. This misses the mark, because you need laser-focused training based on the specific needs within your specific company. Ineffective sales training and lack of role-playing mean missed opportunities for real learning and growth. Training should uncover and address problems and engage salespeople emotionally, making the teaching resonate and stick. Role-playing is an excellent way to practice overcoming objections and reveal potential blind spots in any upcoming sales presentation or sales conversation. In addition, asking for actionable takeaways ties the emotional investment back to practical, sales-boosting skills. Developing sales rockstars doesn't happen overnight. It takes a commitment from the organization's leadership and time to develop your salespeople with customized training that fits your company well. Brian P Swift J.D. Coach, Speaker, Business & Personal Strategist [email protected] Brian Swift Inspired & Unbreakable@brianswift2654 The Quadfather on Instagram #coach #leadership #entrepreneur #growth #thequadfather #inspire #disabilities #speaking #exerrcise #writers #sales #mindset #transformation NEVER LEAVE THE SITE OF INSPIRATION WITHOUT TAKING ACTION You are going to have many times in your life when something inspires you. Inspiration can come from things you read or listen to. People you meet can be the inspiration, or ideas that come to mind can be the spark. Whenever this happens, at the moment it happens, ask yourself, “What action can I take right now to begin making this a reality?” Taking immediate action will cause momentum. Newton knew this with his first law: an object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest. By taking immediate action, you will get into motion. Your motion will create your momentum. SMALL ACTIONS ARE WORTH MORE THAN BIG THOUGHTS AND BIG WORDS For most people, the tongue in their mouth outworks the tongue in their shoe. They talk a big game, but can’t move on the very small actions that are needed. They think a lot and do a little. Ask yourself this, “Am I a big talker or am I a big doer?” Leonardo Da Vinci was credited with saying, “It is he that doeth the deed that hath the power!” The power is not gained by big thoughts or big words. The power is gained by small actions, the doing of the deed! PLAN. DO. REVIEW. The moment you have an idea, begin to immediately put a plan together towards its execution. You may say, “Why don’t I just take action on the idea? Why put a plan in place? Doesn’t that go against the take action philosophy?” When you are planning, you are taking action. A good carpenter knows to measure twice and cut once! Your goal is to win. People who win typically have clear plans. Clarity equals power. The clearer you are in your plan, the more powerful your execution will become. Once you Do, then immediately Review what you have learned. Then adapt your Plan and Do again. John Maxwell summed it up best in the title of one of his books, Sometimes you Win – Sometimes you Learn. You are not losing when you take action. You are either going to win or you are going to learn. Plan. Do. Review. I am Brian P Swift J.D. Coach, Speaker, Business & Personal Strategist My goal is to empower, inspire and transform you to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. Please check out my inspiring blog about Leadership - social media - Grit - Life Tips. You can also enjoy me AKA The Quadfather on Instagram and subscribe to my You Tube channel the Quadfather get fit while you sit. My superpower is driving human performance by inspiring transformation of people’s mindset. I use it to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. #coach #leadership #entrepreneur #growth #thequadfather #inspire #disabilities #speaking #exerrcise #writers #sales #mindset #transformation Are you entitled or are you empowered?
Empowered people don’t make excuses. They make decisions and commitments, and they get things done. Entitled people blame others and make excuses BEWARE OF AN ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY “You think the world owes you something?” One of my dad’s pearls of wisdom when I was young. I had said something that made him think that I was entitled to something or that the world owed me something. I was in my teens, and I cannot remember what I said, or what I did, but I had clearly struck a very passionate nerve with my dad. “The world doesn’t owe you anything.” “Calm down, Dad.” I remember thinking, my Dad’s words made a lasting impact on me and on my view of life. “If you are going to make something of yourself,” he continued, in this same intense way, “you are going to go out there and make it happen. The world doesn’t owe you anything!” Well, guess what? Despite popular opinion, the world doesn’t owe any of us anything. Let’s harness an empowerment mentality not an entitlement mentality. Empowered people create their own circumstances. Entitled people feel they are victims of their circumstance. Empowered people live on their work and production. Entitled people expect something without the work, blame others and make excuses. Are you entitled or are you empowered? Empowered people don’t make excuses. They make decisions and commitments, and they get things done. Entitled people blame others and make excuses Get my free eBook on Developing Clarity - Get Comfortable being Uncomfortable I was only four or five inches under the surface, but I was breathing under water in the ocean outside of Saint John. I had signed up for a snorkeling experience that takes guests in the ocean, even if they have never gone snorkeling before. The truth is, I am a C6 quadriplegic. I am an average swimmer, so putting my face in the water while being told to keep breathing, makes me a bit anxious. I was not afraid of the water but this was the first time in an ocean and I still wasn’t comfortable with that. Now here I with big waves around me while swimming on my back. What was adding to my stress a bit was that the other five people in my group were all beginners. If they had a meltdown, I wasn’t going be very much help to them. I also figured that if I had a meltdown, they were not going to be much help to me, either. “Okay,” I thought, “my whole body is being swepped closer to the cruse ship by the waves. No matter how hard I swam I did not move further from the ship. I have taken a couple of breaths. I have seen a couple of fish. I think I can get out now and tell everyone that I did it.” My next thought was, “You tell people all of the time to get out of their comfort zone, and now you are going to wimp out when you have to get out of your own comfort zone?” My anxiety was high. People like what they are good at, and I wasn’t a great swimmer and could only use my arms to swim. Well, you can probably guess the end of my story. I had an absolute blast. Snorkeling in the ocean was incredible. Endure Today to Enjoy Tomorrow had a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The passion and energy of life exists outside our comfort zones. What can you try next in your life that will get you outside your comfort zone? Make a pattern of getting outside your comfort zone. What restaurant can you try? What cultural experience would you like to try? What life experience have you only thought about? What new skill could you learn? All of these things will take you through a learning curve which will make you uncomfortable. Embrace the lack of comfort. Learn from it. Know that the feeling of discomfort will not last. Once your comfort zone expands, it never goes back to the same size. NEVER QUIT ON A BAD DAY We all have bad days. If you haven’t had one yet, you will. When you have a bad day, you will want to quit, to give in, and to give up. Bad days make you begin to question everything. You will ask yourself questions like these: “Why am I doing this? Is this worth it? Am I wasting my time? What is my purpose in life? Is this it?” These and many more questions will cross your mind as you go through your hard days. The voice of my dad is ringing out ‘’bad days builds character’’ Guess what, these questions are not bad. In fact, questions like this can help to guide you to clear answers in your life. However, do not make life-changing decisions on your bad days. Make life-changing decisions with a clear mind, a thoughtful process and with good counsel. Sometimes moving on to the next thing is the right thing to do. However, never quit your job on a bad day. Never quit your relationship on a bad day. Never quit on your goals on a bad day. In addition, please, do not ever quit your life on a bad day! Instead, focus on stringing wins together. Go from positive experience to positive experience. Go from win to win. As Martin Luther King, Jr. once observed, “It is always darkest before dawn!” Regardless of how dark it is right now, the sun will be coming up soon. There’s hope, so never quit on a bad day. To conclude, for years, I had been wondering if I could really design and create an extraordinary life. You may also be asking whether it is possible in your own life. I can now share with you from my own experience that it is possible! I am Brian P Swift J.D. Coach, Speaker, Business & Personal Strategist My goal is to empower, inspire and transform you to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. Please check out my inspiring blog about Leadership - social media - Grit - Life Tips. You can also enjoy me AKA The Quadfather on Instagram and subscribe to my You Tube channel the Quadfather get fit while you sit. My superpower is driving human performance by inspiring transformation of people’s mindset. I use it to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. #coach #leadership #entrepreneur #growth #thequadfather #inspire #disabilities #speaking #comfort zone #writers #grit #mindset #transformation #ENDURE In life, we witness the courage of individuals who have overcome physical challenges—whether they’ve lost a limb or suffered visible injuries. The human body, though vulnerable, has a remarkable ability to adapt and recover. Prosthetic limbs, for instance, are examples of how technology can replace and restore function, allowing individuals to regain mobility and resume their lives with resilience. These visible wounds, though profound, are often met with support, empathy, and advanced medical care.
But what about the wounds we cannot see? What about the severed spirit, the broken mindset, or the emotional scars that people carry within? Unlike a physical injury, these inner wounds don’t come with crutches or prosthetics to aid recovery. They are often invisible to the world, hidden beneath a brave face or a calm exterior. And yet, they can be just as debilitating, if not more so, than any visible injury. The Invisible Wounds of the Spirit The human spirit is a powerful force—one that drives us to pursue our dreams, build relationships, and face life’s challenges. It’s the source of our resilience, our hope, and our determination. But just as the body can suffer injury, so too can the spirit be wounded. This happens in many ways: through trauma, loss, disappointment, and failure. When the spirit is broken, it’s not something you can see on an X-ray, and there’s no surgery that can repair it. Yet, the impact of a severed spirit can be deeply profound. People suffering from a wounded spirit may feel hopeless, lost, or defeated. They might carry a sense of worthlessness or inadequacy that clouds their perception of the world. This can lead to withdrawal, depression, anxiety, and a loss of motivation. They may struggle to find meaning in life or to reconnect with the passions and dreams they once had. From the outside, they may appear to be functioning just fine, but inside, they are battling invisible forces that no prosthetic can fix. The Broken Mindset: A Silent Struggle In the same way that a spirit can be wounded, a mindset can also become broken or fixed in patterns that limit growth and progress. This kind of injury often goes unnoticed, yet it can be just as crippling as losing a limb. A broken mindset manifests in thoughts of helplessness, self-doubt, and a constant fear of failure. It’s the voice that tells you, “I’m not good enough,” or “I’ll never succeed,” and over time, it becomes a barrier to personal growth and fulfillment. Unlike physical injuries, which prompt immediate attention and concern, a broken mindset can go unaddressed for years, even decades. People may dismiss these internal battles as mere negativity or lack of willpower, failing to recognize the depth of the struggle. But a broken mindset can hold someone back from achieving their potential, much like a severed limb can limit physical movement. Healing What We Cannot See While prosthetics can replace lost limbs and rehabilitation can restore physical abilities, healing the spirit and mindset requires a different approach. It’s a journey that often begins with acknowledging that the injury exists in the first place. Just because we can’t see the wound doesn’t mean it isn’t real. In fact, the wounds we carry inside can have a longer-lasting impact on our lives if they go unhealed.
Conclusion: Beyond the Visible While prosthetics can restore mobility and aid physical recovery, the journey of healing a severed spirit or a broken mindset is often more complex and less visible. The truth is, many of us carry invisible wounds, and just because we don’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. It’s essential that we cultivate awareness, empathy, and understanding toward ourselves and others in these silent battles. We need to recognize that healing from the inside out is just as crucial as healing from the outside in. The spirit and the mind are the engines that drive us forward in life, and when they are broken, they need time, care, and attention to recover. With the right support, compassion, and tools, it is possible to rebuild what has been severed—just as surely as a prosthetic can help someone walk again. We may not see the wounds of the spirit or the brokenness of the mindset, but they are there. And just like any physical injury, they deserve our attention, care, and commitment to healing. ] Brian P Swift J.D. Coach, Speaker, Business & Personal Strategist My goal is to empower, inspire and transform you to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. Please check out my inspiring blog about Leadership - social media - Grit - Life Tips. You can also enjoy me AKA The Quadfather on Instagram. Thank you and have a great day, #coach #leadership #entrepreneur #growth #thequadfather #inspire #disabilities #speaking #exerrcise #writers #sales #mindset #transformation It’s not human nature to be great. It’s human nature to survive, to be average and do what you have to do to get by. That is normal. When you have something good happen, it’s the special people that can stay focused and keep paying attention to detail, working to get better and not being satisfied with what they have accomplished. By understanding what The Quadfather believes to be the most important mental and behavioral practices for building the grit and character needed to achieve the unthinkable, each and every one of us can individually set out to achieve our wildest aspirations. Explore the various strategies that collectively make up The Quadfather Way: Refuse to Settle and get Comfortable: One of the single most important reasons for his incomparable accolades can be found in his unwillingness to settle. While most individuals, across all walks of life, easily become appeased after tasting just a bit of success, The Qadfather never gets quite satisfied and remains unwilling to allow himself to see his accomplishments as good enough because he knows it’s not sustainable by thinking this way. Focus All Your Energy in the Present-Moment: For any individual who sets out to achieve truly ambitious goals, it can be nearly impossible to stop themselves from thinking about the final results and the beneficial outcomes that will come about. Without even realizing it, however, proceeding in this way takes them away from the place where true success is created. Becoming successful in any endeavor take CIA (Commitment Integrity & Attitude) Remember that Everything Matter: While there are many success strategies that have helped The Quadfather become successful you cannot forget about other areas of your life, like faith, family and dreams while concentrating on any specific facet of your life. The Quadfather molds people into champions of life. He makes sure they full understand that the little things matter and his expectations for them to become successful in everything they do. The reason, of course, is due to the fact that poor habits and disavowing ways of thinking can easily seep from one area of life into another. I think everybody should take the attitude that we’re working to be a successful outcome that we want to be a successful in everything that we do. The discipline to make good decisions in everything that we do every day is paramount to your success. Eliminate Distractions & Outside Noise: In the world we live in today, there are a seemingly endless number of distractions that keep us from doing the things that’ll help us achieve our goals in the most timely fashion. Smart phones, televisions and social media, for example, are just three of the many temptations that move us further away from the success we crave. Additionally, because of the overly connective nature of society, it’s all too easy for us to become negatively effected by the things we read, hear and see on TV. Although we tell ourselves that just a few minutes of screen time won’t hurt, the truth is that those minutes quickly add up into hours and days all the while we’re exposing ourselves to outside opinions that may give rise to faulty beliefs and limiting doubts. Eliminate the clutter and all the things that are going on outside and focus on the things that you can control with how you sort of go about and take care of your business. That’s something that’s ongoing, and it can never change. Relinquish Your Attachment to Outcomes: Because it’s the only way to maximize your potential and overcome the inevitable setbacks you’ll encounter. Of course, wins, promotions and championships are what most of us are striving for true greatness is only possible by similarity letting go of past failures and dreams of success while maintaining your focus on becoming the best. Of the downfalls that come from being overly concerned with winning the more one emphasizes winning, the less he or she is able to concentrate on what actually causes success. Develop Toughness & Discipline to Face Adversity: Being disciplined and unwilling to crumble when your back is against the wall is a trait that develops over time. Champions must develop an unyielding willpower to meet the demands of any challenge long before the moment occurs. Making the decision to go through the pain-filled process of developing discipline: There are two pains in life. There is the pain of discipline and the pain of disappointment. If you can handle the pain of discipline, then you’ll never have to deal with the pain of disappointment. Compete Against Yourself while Being Accountable to Others: Although there is much truth to the old sports adage that tells us there’s no ‘I’ in ‘Team’ however the whole can only be as good as the individual parts. Competing against yourself is the best way to become the best person, student, athlete and professional you can become, while simultaneously holding yourselves accountable to the team. This is how you create a culture where the personal standards of individuals continuously rise while they remain committed to the team first approach. There are two pains in life. There is the pain of discipline and the pain of disappointment. If you can handle the pain of discipline, then you’ll never have to deal with the pain of disappointment. My goal is to empower, inspire and transform you to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. Please check out my inspiring blog about Leadership - social media - Grit - Life Tips. You can also enjoy me AKA The Quadfather on Instagram and subscribe to my You Tube channel the Quadfather get fit while you sit. My superpower is driving human performance by inspiring transformation of people’s mindset. I use it to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. #coach #leadership #entrepreneur #growth #thequadfather #inspire #disabilities #speaking #exerrcise #writers #sales #mindset #transformation Being authentic doesn’t just make you more relatable—it makes you more trustworthy, influential, and effective. When you lead as yourself, you set a powerful example for your team. You show them that it’s okay to bring their full selves to work. And in doing so, you create an environment where others feel empowered to speak up, share ideas, and lead confidently.
But authenticity isn’t just about being real. It’s about being strategic in how you present yourself and ensuring that your true voice comes across in every interaction. As a leader you are always being watched. Weather you are leading a group in business, sports or your family people will notice if your actions match your words. You will loose credibility, trust and effectiveness much faster than you can gain it if your words and actions do not match. As a C6 quadriplegic confined to a wheelchair and a leader of teams ranging from 12 to 60 sales professionals I had to make sure my actions measured up to my words of philosophy of being successful. Over a 25 year career I could not take or accept any leeway or excuses for less than 100% execution of what I expected from others. I also knew that being confined to a wheelchair upper management as well as my peers were watching to see if I could authentically do the job based on my expectations. Don’t let anything change who you authentically are. Be you. Be unapologetically you. Here Are Some Ways You Can Show Up Authentically:
Putting it Into Practice The next time you’re on stage, in a meeting, or in front of the camera, remind yourself: there’s only one YOU. And the world needs that version of you, not the filtered, toned-down, or second-guessed version. Your authenticity is what will build trust, inspire your team, and create lasting influence. The more you practice showing up as your true self, the stronger your leadership will become. So, whether you’re giving a presentation or leading your team through a challenge, remember: be YOU, and watch the impact you create. My goal is to empower, inspire and transform you to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. Please check out my inspiring blog about Leadership - social media - Grit - Life Tips. You can also enjoy me AKA The Quadfather on Instagram and subscribe to my You Tube channel the Quadfather get fit while you sit. My superpower is driving human performance by inspiring transformation of people’s mindset. I use it to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. #coach #leadership #entrepreneur #growth #thequadfather #inspire #disabilities #speaking #exerrcise #writers #sales #mindset #transformation I will share the highlights with you, so you can fill your calendar with speaking gigs. 1) Search events where your target market will attend and attend the event to connect with the attendees and the leadership. Networking is a key to creating opportunity for yourself. A) Send a general inquiry – Title in the subject line: Speaker Inquiry. In the body of the message: My name is_________________, your business title. I found your “name of the event” while researching events. Share what you genuinely like about their mission, event, etc. and I wondered if you are looking for speakers for your events? B) Go to LinkedIn and connect with them and seek a warm introduction by checking any 1st degree connections. C) Send at least 5 messages a day by email and LinkedIn. Devote an hour a day (Monday through Friday). D) Track your activity on an excel sheet. 2) Set up Google Alerts – “Call for Speakers”. 3) Do your own online event to subsidize your speaking. 4) ASK…your network, your audience. Invite people to your next talk. 5) Use your speaking contract to ask for referrals for future speaking gigs. 6) Use your feedback sheet. Ask your audience to let you know how you did after your speech and invite them to suggest future places for you to speak. 7) Check out Speaker Match, an organization that connects Speakers with Meeting Professionals and lists opportunities available. 8) Become the expert in your field by practicing. Speak wherever you can. Zig Ziglar, who is one of the great and legendary motivational speakers, used to say that he gave 3,000 talks before he was paid for the first one. 9) Offer to speak at church, community and business events even if it is a non paid event. Look into your local Lions club, woman’s groups, athletic organizations and schools. There are quite a few online speaking opportunities. 10) Read 15 minutes a day books about your area of expertise or about public speaking. Both Jen & Louie had tattered copies of Jack Canfield’s book, “The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be”. 11) Take Action – Spend an hour a day seeking speaking opportunities. 12) Create a speakers sheet as you get opportunities to speak. I am Brian P Swift J.D. Coach, Speaker, Business & Personal Strategist My goal is to empower, inspire and transform you to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. Please check out my inspiring blog about Leadership - social media - Grit - Life Tips. You can also enjoy me AKA The Quadfather on Instagram and subscribe to my You Tube channel the Quadfather get fit while you sit. My superpower is driving human performance by inspiring transformation of people’s mindset. I use it to create confident, happy purposeful individuals. #Speaking gigs #leadership #entrepreneur #growth #thequadfather #inspire #opportunity #speaking #mindset #transformation |
Brian SwiftBrian P Swift JD aka The Quadfather is a John Maxwell personal development coach, speaker, Best-Selling Author & Radio Personality. Brian lives life with no excuses he was born able bodied, and at the age of 17 a tragic football accident left him learning how to live life fully from a wheelchair as a quadriplegic. |